01 December 2019, 20:07
Made with RunParticles

I've recently decided to build my own personal website to use as a blog about some of the projects I do in my spare time, so here is my first quick crack at it.

Back in March, as Chris Mintern would say, I got "big into the fitness." The video above is just a quick GPS drawing of the 80 or so runs I have done in and around Cork since then. I downloaded all of my .gpx files from Strava and used some software to create the map above. 30 seconds of video roughly equate to 128 minutes of real time (x256).

The dots visualise each of my runs around the best city in the world, with the yellow dot being the longest run I did this year in Cork.

I hope to post some more visualisations and stories to go with them over the coming months, so be sure to stay tuned.